⚒️ Southern Hemisphere Mining Limited reports its Quarterly Activity for the period ended 31 March 2024.

  • All assay results from the 2023/24 drilling program were received demonstrating advancement in scale of the Llahuin Copper-Gold Project with all targets intersecting mineralisation
  • Significant intercepts included:
    • 156m at 0.51% CuEq from surface in 23LHRD027, including 82m at 0.67% CuEq from 46m and 26m at 0.75% CuEq from 48m
    • 136m at 0.47% CuEq from 42m in 23LHRD028, including 32m at 0.66% CuEq from 100m
    • 76m at 0.44% CuEq in 23LHRD035 from surface, including 14m at 0.79% CuEq from surface
    • 48m at 0.45% CuEq in 23LHRC042 from surface
    • 12m at 0.66% CuEq in 23LHRC032 from surface
    • 14m at 0.54% CuEq in 23LHRC029 from surface
  • The link between Ferro and Cerro is further advanced by drilling warranting further additional drilling to understand the scale
  • Mineralised system confirmed at the large Southern Porphyry target with up to 166m mineralised intercepts
  • Southern Hemisphere was well received at the PDAC Conference in Toronto, Canada


Figure 1. RC and Diamond rigs operating at Cerro De Oro with Central Deposit in the grey rock/workings on the right side of the valley


⚒️ Llahuin Copper-Gold Porphyry Project 100%

The Company reported encouraging results from the expansion drilling at its Llahuin CopperGold Porphyry Project in central Chile.

Laboratory results for the seventeen-hole program were received resulting in the following:

1. The link between Cerro and Ferro advanced by 23LHRD036, 23LHRC037 and 23LHRD043.

2. New drillhole grades continue to exceed historical grades in the Cerro and Ferro deposits, particularly with regard to the historical RC drilling.

3. Broad porphyry style mineralisation was intersected by two holes at the large greenfields Southern Porphyry target.

More detail on the drill results of each particular target were discussed in ASX Announcement – 19 February 2024 Drilling Continues to Expand the Llahuin Copper-Gold Project.

Figure 2. Plan view, showing collar locations, surface geochemical anomalies, and target models. Significant intercepts are shown in the Cerro-Ferro Link to demonstrate the exploration potential.

⚒️ Southern Porphyry Copper-Gold Target

Two RC holes were drilled to test the Southern Porphyry target and were successful in intersecting the outer halo of this large target.

The soil geochemical anomaly is likely a small vein through that area. From these results and further recent surface work 200m higher up the hill the main target is Southeast of these holes and the subject of further studies into vectoring future drillholes into the higher grade central and feeder zones.

Both holes at the Southern Porphyry target intersected broad zones of mineralisation and alteration. This demonstrates that it is a large mineralising system. The drilling targeted a strong copper in soil anomaly, which represents a small porƟon of the larger target area in the magnetics.

Work is ongoing to identify the best location for follow-up drilling of this potentially extensive mineralised system.

More detail on the drill results for the Southern Porphyry target were discussed in ASX Announcement – 19 February 2024 Drilling Continues to Expand the Llahuin Copper Gold Project.

Figure 3. Map of the Southern Porphyry greater target area, showing the transition from copper dominated soil anomalies at Southern Porphyry, to gold dominated to the South.

⚒️  Background Work, Ongoing Programs and Findings

Systematic programs of surface geochemistry, surface mapping, structural interpretation, historical hole re-logging and multi-element assaying were used to plan the recent drilling program. This lead-up work proved critical in identifying zones for substantial expansion and drill locations.

A geological mapping program nearing completion covers the area from the Southern Porphyry to Cerro.

Several key relationships and conceptual targets are emerging from this work.

The full results of this program will be reported in due course.

Terraspec mapping of drillcore is in progress in order to produce a 3D alteration model of the deposits.

In addition, a first pass batch of samples has been sent for 4 acid digestion with ICPMS finish to provide low detection limit data for 3-D “deposit footprint” modelling work.

The results of the 2023/24 drilling program were very encouraging.

The key findings were as follows:

  • Historical drilling at Cerro and Ferro potentially demonstrates sub-optimal drilling orientations and sample bias in the historical RC drilling.
  • Cerro and Ferro are part of a single mineralised system, with a potential feeder system at depth which current work is targeting to provide a future drill target.
  • Southern Porphyry is a large mineralising and alteration system with the potential to host a significant copper-gold porphyry deposit.
  • Shallow zones of mineralisation are open to the West and East at Cerro and Ferro.
  • Mineralisation at Ferro is open to the South, Southwest, and Southeast.

Figure 4. 3D view looking northeast from Southern Porphyry (SP) to Central Porphyry, showing the scale of the Llahuin mineralising system.

⚒️ Los Pumas Battery Metals Manganese Project 100%

The Company continued discussions during the quarter to advance development of the Los Pumas Battery Metals Manganese Project, near excellent infrastructure in Arcia in Northern Chile.

The Los Pumas Project is the flagship project to convert high-quality manganese mineral resources into High-Purity Manganese Sulphate Monohydrate (“HPMSM”) to supply the Electric Vehicle (“EV”) and battery energy storage markets.

Other advancing projects and technologies in lithium, manganese and cobalt are key areas for business growth as the Los Pumas Project moves through the feasibility stage.

Refer ASX Announcement, dated 5 July 2023 – Intention to Demerge Battery Minerals Asset.

⚒️ Lago Lithium Brine Project 100%

The Company’s main focus has been the expansion drilling at Llahuin, therefore no exploration acƟviƟes took place during the quarter under review on the strategically obtained Lago Lithium Brine Project, located in the renowned lithium-rich Atacama region of Chile and covering an area of approximately 27km2.

The Salar de Atacama is widely recognised for its exceptional lithium deposits operated by the world’s largest lithium brine producers, SQM and Albemarle.

Refer ASX Announcement, dated 10 July 2023 – Application for the Lago Lithium Brine Concessions in Chile.

Figure 5. Location of the nine new lithium brine concessions at Lago


The Company’s attendance at the Prospectors & Developers Association of Canada (PDAC) conference 2024 in Toronto, Canada was very well received as was the Company’s presentation at the Chilean Mine Ministry seminar.

The Company is currently following up all contacts and opportunities arising from the conference.

The Full PDF of the latest QAR is available below.

The information in this report that relates to copper and gold exploration results for the Company’s Projects is based on information compiled by Mr Adam Anderson, who is a Member of The Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy and The Australian Institute of Geoscientists. Mr Anderson has sufficient experience which is relevant to the style of mineralisation and type of deposit under consideration, and to the activity which he is undertaking to qualify as a Competent Person as defined in the 2012 Edition of the “Australasian Code for Reporting of Exploration Results, Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves”. Mr Anderson is a consultant for the Company and consents to the inclusion in the report of the matters based on his information in the form and context in which it appears.

News Release
Date: 30 April 2024 | ASX Code: SUH | Frankfurt Exchange: NK4


Southern Hemisphere Mining Limited is an experienced minerals explorer in Chile, South America.

Chile is the world’s leading copper producing country and one of the most prospective regions of the world for major new copper discoveries. The Company’s projects include the Llahuin Porphyry Copper-Gold-Moly Project, the Lago Lithium Exploration Project, and the Los Pumas Manganese EV Battery Project, all of which were discovered by the Company.

For the latest information about the Company – please visit our Latest News and Corporate Profile pages. We are also on LinkedIn and Twitter (X).